General Information #
The committee is comprised of the following:
- Oversight - Deans of the South and North
- Chairperson - Senior Director (needs to rotate North and South yearly)
- Vice Chairperson - Junior Director
- Will rotate into the Chairperson position the proceeding year
- Needs to rotate North and South yearly - must be opposite of Chairperson location
- 2 or more members appointed by the President to a 1 Year Term
Committee Duties #
- Committee Members should be committed to soliciting nominations for office throughout the year. The success of the Association depends on the Officers of the Association and cannot afford to have vacant offices. Nor, is it of benefit to the Association’s Membership when a person is appointed to an office because there were no nominations for the Membership to vote upon.
- The Committee should also inform each nominee of the responsibilities of the office they are seeking. It is imperative that the nominee fully understand the commitment they will be making should they be elected.
- It is recommended that the nominee have a thorough understanding of the Constitution, Bylaws, and the Quick Guides of the Association.
- The Committee can seek assistance from the First Vice President to help prevent vacancies.
- The Committee should also inform each nominee of the responsibilities of the office they are seeking. It is imperative that the nominee fully understand the commitment they will be making should they be elected.
- Per the Constitution and Bylaws, the Committee shall nominate at least one eligible member for each elective office. However, because the membership has the right to vote, a minimum of two nominees is preferred for the following positions:
- Sergeant-At-Arms
- Directors
- Nominations shall be in accordance with any geographical requirements as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Any Life or non-delinquent Active or Associate member can nominate candidates.
- The nominees must be Members in good standing (ie Not delinquent).
- Associate Members can be nominated for any office, excluding the following chairs:
- Sergeant-At-Arms
- First Vice President
- Second Vice President
- Third Vice President
- President
- Dean of the North
- Dean of the South
- Dean Emeritus
- All nominations shall include a resume and photograph, and must be received by the Nominations Committee on, or before, February 14th of the year the voting will be conducted.
- The nominees’ resumes and photographs must be submitted to the Editor of The Digest on or before March 1st for publication.
Chairperson Duties #
- Chairperson will prepare the report for the Annual and Mid-Year Executive Committee Meetings.
- Prepare the draft of the ballot of the nominees for the officer positions to be voted upon.
- Work in conjunction with the Parliamentarian.
- Receive a list of Active Members and their respective email addresses to push the ballots out to.