109th Annual CSDIAI
Asilomar Resort Hotel and Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA
April 28, 2025 through May 2, 2025
To bring persons who are actively engaged in the profession of Identification and Scientific Investigation into an organized body so that the profession, in all of its disciplines, may be administered and practiced in an ethical and effective manner
To encourage the improvement of all disciplines of Forensic Identification and Investigation by fostering and supporting the need for original research, refinements of current methodology and professional training.
To promote the sharing and dissemination of information and knowledge by sponsoring training seminars, publishing papers and articles and encouraging members to openly discuss all aspects of their profession with their peers and others seeking knowledge and skill.
To set the highest standards of ethical, scientific and professional conduct for its members and to make those who command, manage or supervise within the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice communities aware of these standards and encourage their adoption in these communities.
To inspire in our members a professional pride and commitment to serve Law Enforcement, the Criminal Justice System and society in general by applying their knowledge and skill to the best of their abilities.

President’s Message
Dear Members,
This year, from January 7 to 31, 2025, a series of 17 destructive wildfires affected the Los Angeles metropolitan area and San Diego County in California. These catastrophic wildfires desolated cities and communities. Persons in our forensic community were not spared from the consequences.
However, our work goes on…
Let this year prove to be a testament of unwavering resilience. Whether in crime scene investigation, latent prints, or other forensic disciplines. Please know that your work continues to be the backbone of justice.
Continue to seek growth through training, mentorship, and innovation in your work.
We have an exciting conference planned this year! John F. Kennedy once said “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” If you cannot attend in person, please consider attending remotely. You will not be disappointed! Although, it will be worth the expense and effort to attend in person. Please visit our website for a sneak peek of topics and presentations.
Consider becoming a part of our 2026 Executive Board and/or Committees. Experience what goes on behind the scenes and become a part of the planning. Make lifelong memories and friendships.
I cannot believe that this year is already moving along so quickly. Hold on and enjoy the ride.
My heart and prayers are with all of you and especially those affected by the tragedies that have taken place so far.
We may have little control over what happens. However, our happiness often depends more on our attitude than on our circumstances.
Please remember to be kind, empathetic, respectful, and helpful to each other during these difficult times because it can truly make a difference.
Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling New Year!
Cynthia S. Fortier
CSDIAI President
Administrative Executive Committee

Donald O’Neal
First Vice President

Bryanna Toussaint
Second Vice President

Paul Richards
Third Vice President

Mathew Smith
Sergeant at Arms

Jeff Cecil

Sally Jones
Secretary Treasurer