Constitution of the California State Division International Association for Identification #
as amended through July 2, 2024 #
Article I - Name and Goals of the Association #
Section 1.01 - Name of the Association #
This organization shall be known as the CALIFORNIA STATE DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR IDENTIFICATION. The organization shall be a non-profit, professional association dedicated to the application of the forensic sciences in the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Communities.
Section - 1.02 - Goals of the Association #
- To bring persons, who are actively engaged in the profession of Identification and Scientific Investigation, into an organized body so that the profession, in all of its disciplines, may be administered and practiced in an ethical, scientific, and effective manner.
- To encourage the improvement of all disciplines of Forensic Identification and Investigation by fostering and supporting the need for original research, refinements of current methodology, and professional training.
- To promote the sharing and dissemination of information and knowledge by sponsoring training seminars, publishing papers and articles, and encouraging members to openly discuss all aspects of their profession with their peers and others seeking knowledge and skill.
- To set the highest standards of ethical, scientific and professional conduct for its members and to make those who command, manage or supervise within the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Communities aware of these standards and encourage their adoption in these communities.
- To inspire in its members a professional pride and a commitment to serve Law Enforcement, the Criminal Justice System and society in general by applying their knowledge and skill to the best of their ability.
Article II - Membership #
Section 2.01 - Classes #
The membership of this Association shall consist of Life Members, Active Members, Associate Members, Student Members, and Honorary Members.
Section 2.02 - Active Members #
- The Active Membership of this Association shall consist of persons actively engaged as an examiner, analyst, practitioner or supervisor in the forensic sciences, whose membership has been approved and whose annual due have been paid as required by the CSD/IAI.
- Active Membership status will terminate when the above conditions of qualification no longer apply, except for the following provision. An Active Member shall not lose Active status because of service or medical retirement or change of assigned duties, so long as they remain members of the CSD/IAI.
- Active Members may hold office. Active Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote with respect to each matter presented to the membership of the CSD/IAI for a vote, shall be provided access to the CSD/IAI Membership Directory, and each of the issues of the official CSD/IAI publications. The annual dues for Active Members shall be set forth in the Association Bylaws.
Section 2.03 - Life Members #
- Life Membership shall be bestowed on all Past Presidents.
- Life Membership shall be bestowed on any member who has paid dues continuously for twenty-five (25) consecutive years.
- The Membership, at any annual Business Meeting, may by ballot, vote this honor to any person they deem worthy of such distinction.
Section 2.04 - Associate Members #
All reputable persons wholly or partially engaged in any of the various phases of the forensic science in identification or investigation and who are not qualified for Active Membership are eligible to become Associate Members. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rights and privileges as Active Members except that they shall be eligible to hold only the office of Director and/or hold committee assignments as a member only.
Section 2.05 - Distinguished Members #
- Distinguished Membership, in recognition of the Member's superior efforts in the furtherance of the goals of the California State Division, International Association for Identification, may be conferred upon a Life, Active, or Associate Member of the California State Division, by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. A Distinguished Member retains all rights, privileges, and obligations of the class of membership they held prior to the being designated as Distinguished member.
- Any member, in good standing, who accrues ten (10) credits, which are acquired in a manner described in the Distinguished Membership Procedure, by (1) the publication of forensic related articles, (2) participation in the activities of the California State Division, International Association for Identification, and (3) other contributions to the forensic community; and who has not been censured or otherwise disciplined during their period of membership is eligible to apply.
- Application for Distinguished Member status shall be made on a designated form. The completed application form, along with copies of supporting documentation, (e.g. copies of articles, conference registrations, etc.) which shall be provided by the applicant, will be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer of this Association.
- Upon confirmation by the Membership Committee that the applicant meets the established criteria, the application shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee for consideration. An affirmative vote of the Executive Committee shall confer the designation of Distinguished Member. A certificate and plaque in recognition of their achievement will be issued to the recipient by the Secretary-Treasurer and their name will be published in the Digest.
Section 2.06 - Honorary Members #
Honorary Members of this Association shall consist of persons who have performed some particular service for the Association or who have in some way done some conspicuous thing for law enforcement or the forensic sciences communities. Such person or persons, upon motion of any member in good standing, may be elected to Honorary Membership for a period of one year. Honorary Members are excused from the payment of dues and assessments and shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Section 2.07 - Student Members #
- Student Membership shall consist of all persons enrolled as a student in an accredited college or university, who are majoring in a law enforcement or forensic science related field. Students, who graduate and become employed in law enforcement or in the forensic sciences community, may transfer their membership to Active or Associate status.
- Student Members shall in all respects be subject to the same rights and privileges as Active Members, except that they shall not have the right to vote nor be eligible to hold any elected or appointed office of this Association.
- A Student Membership will terminate at the end of the third calendar year in which they graduate or upon request for transfer to an Active or Associate Membership.
Article III - Officers #
Section 3.01 - Titles #
The officers of this Association shall consist of the Deans, a President, a 1st Vice President, a 2nd Vice President, a 3rd Vice President, a Sergeant-at-Arms, an Editor, a Secretary-Treasurer, the Directors, a Parliamentarian, a Historian, a Recording Secretary, a Web Master, a Division Representative, and the Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Section 3.02 - Selection to and Term of Office #
- Deans
- There shall be elected a Dean Emeritus, a Dean of the North, and a Dean of the South, who shall serve in their respective offices for a three-year term, so long as they remain actively involved and participate in the affairs of the Association.
- When the election of a Dean of the North or Dean of the South is required, any Life Member may submit their nomination to the Nomination Committee by February 14th to have their name and resume included in the Executive Committee recommendation vote which shall be conducted via email. The Executive must review the candidates and cast their ballots for recommendation to the Chairperson no later than March 1st (or prior to e-vote/ballot submission deadline). Three-fifths approval voting would mean that the nominee(s) shall be presented to the members by publishing the name(s) of the candidate(s) in the Digest, in accordance with the provisions of Article V – Nominations Committee, of the Bylaws of this Association. If the dates of the training seminar conflict with the election process, the dates will be adjusted by the Executive Committee to allow for voting prior to the training seminar.
- When the election of Dean Emeritus is required, any Life Member that has prior service as Dean of the North, or Dean of the South, may submit their nomination to the Nomination Committee by February 14th to have their name and resume included in the Executive Committee recommendation vote which shall be conducted via email. The Executive Committee must review the candidates and cast their ballots for recommendation to the Chairperson no later than March 1st (or prior to e-vote/ballot submission deadline). Three-fifths approval voting would mean that the nominee(s) shall be presented to the members by publishing the name(s) of the candidate(s) in the Digest, in accordance with the provisions of Article V - Nomination Committee of the Bylaws of this Association. Any Life Member may place their nomination for Dean Emeritus according to the process detailed above, but their nomination will only be considered in the event that no qualified candidates (prior, or present, Dean service) submitted their nomination.
- The nominations for the offices of Dean of the North and Dean of the South shall also be made to comply with Article III, Section 3 (Division - North and South) of this Constitution. The elections should be completed in a staggered order (Dean Emeritus one year, Dean of the South the following year, and Dean of the North the year after that) so that there is always an experienced Dean present and available to the Executive Committee.
There is no limit to the amount of times that a sitting Dean can rerun for election.
- President, Vice Presidents, and Sergeant-At-Arms
- There shall be elected annually a President, three Vice Presidents, and a Sergeant-at-Arms who shall hold their respective offices for one year.
- The nominations for these offices shall comply with Article III, Section 3 (Division - North and South) and Section 4 (Secession of Officers) of this Constitution. The nominees shall be presented to the members by publishing the name(s) of the candidate(s) in the Digest, in accordance with the provisions of Article V (Nominating Committee) Subsections E and F, of the Bylaws of this Association.
- Editor and Secretary-Treasurer
- There shall be elected annually an Editor and a Secretary-Treasurer. Incumbents in these offices may be reelected from year to year in order that the accumulated knowledge of the office may be retained to the best advantage of the Association.
- The nominees shall be presented to the members by publishing the name(s) of the candidate(s) in the Digest, in accordance with the provisions of Article V (Nominating Committee) of the Bylaws of this Association.
- Directors
- There shall be elected annually two Directors for the North and two Directors for the South, who shall serve in their respective offices for two year terms.
- Nominations for the office of Director will be made in compliance with Article III, Section 3 (Division - North and South) of this Constitution.
- The nominees shall be presented to the members by publishing the name(s) of the candidate(s) in the Digest, in accordance with the provisions of Article V (Nominating Committee) of the Bylaws of this Association. The Nominating Committee shall also have published the names of the two Directors for the North and the two Directors for the South who will be serving the second year of their term
- The Directors must reside in the geographical area, as defined by Article III, Section 3 (Division - North and South) of this Constitution that they represent, during their term of office. Should any Director move out of the area they represent, they shall immediately submit their written resignation to the President.
- Historian and Parliamentarian
- The incoming President shall appoint two Active or Life Members who, in the opinion of the President, is deserving of the titles to the offices of Historian and Parliamentarian. Incumbents in these offices may be reappointed from year to year in order that the accumulated knowledge of the offices may be retained to the best advantage of the Association.
- Recording Secretary
- The incoming President shall appoint a member who, in the opinion of the President is deserving of the title to the office of Recording Secretary. Incumbents in this office may be reappointed from year to year in order that the accumulated knowledge of the office may be retained to the best advantage of the Association.
- Chairperson of the Executive Committee
- The outgoing President shall assume the office of the Chairperson of the Executive Committee upon the President elect taking the oath of office and assuming the duties of the President. The Chairperson shall serve a one-year term.
Section 3.03 - Division, North and South #
The division of the Northern and Southern parts of California shall be the southern boundaries of Monterey, Kings, Tulare and Inyo Counties. The division of the Northern and Southern parts of Nevada will be the northern boundaries of Nye and Lincoln Counties and the northern and western boundaries of Mineral County.
Section 3.04 - Succession of Officers #
- The advance of the members through the elective offices of this Association shall begin with the Sergeant-at-Arms and continue in ascending order through the offices of 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Vice President to the office of President.
- The offices shall be filled by members alternately from the Northern and Southern parts of the State, except as provided in Article III, Section 5 (Vacancy in Office) of this Constitution.
Section 3.05 - Vacancy in Office #
- In case of a vacancy in the office of President, or any of the Vice Presidents, such vacancy may be filled by the officer next in line even though it breaks the North-South rotation of the officers and meeting sites.
- Any substitution of officers to fill a vacancy in order to maintain North-South rotation may be done only with the consent of a majority of the elected officers whose normal advance would be affected.
- Should a vacancy in office occur from any cause, the President may, with the approval of two-thirds of the Executive Committee Members, fill the same by appointment subject to the restrictions of Article III, Section 5-B (Vacancy in Office) of this Constitution.
Section 3.06 - Replacement of the Chairperson #
Should the Chairperson of the Executive Committee be unable to carry out the duties imposed by the Bylaws of this Association by reason of illness, death, or other contingency, then the President shall appoint another Past President to serve in that capacity.
Section 3.07 - Tenure #
All Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and installed except as provided by Article III, Section 9 (Removal from Office) of this Constitution.
Section 3.08 - Eligibility #
- Only Active and Life Members in good standing shall be eligible to the elective offices of this Association, except for the office of Director for which an Associate Member in good standing is also eligible.
- A member in “good standing” is defined as the status assigned to any member, of this Association, whose dues are current (not delinquent by definition set forth in the Bylaws or Constitution) and are not under any disciplinary action.
Section 3.09 - Removal from Office #
The President, with the approval of a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee, may remove from office an officer, who fails to attend official meetings without notice or cause; who fails to perform their assigned duties and obligations; or who fails to act for the good of the Association.
Article IV - Annual Seminars and Business Meetings #
Section 4.01 - Annual Training Seminar #
The annual training seminar of the Association shall be for three or more days at a place selected by the President.
Section 4.02 - Participation at Business Meetings #
All members of the Association in good standing are entitled to the privilege of the floor during the seminars or other deliberations and assemblies of the Association. Those holding Life, Active, or Associate Membership are entitled to propose motions and vote on all matters of issue, which are brought before the Membership.
Section 4.03 - Quorum - Annual Business Meetings #
The Life, Active, and Associate Members in attendance shall constitute a quorum during the Business Meeting at all annual seminars of the Association.
Article V - Executive Committee #
Section 5.01 - Definition #
The elected officers of the Association together with the Deans and the Immediate Past President as a group shall be known as the Executive Committee and shall govern the affairs of the Association as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. The Historian, Parliamentarian, and Recording Secretary, Web Master and Regional Representative shall be non-voting members of the Executive Committee. Follow Constitution Section 5.04 D for guidance on how the Chairperson (the immediate Past President) votes.
Section 5.02 - Responsibilities of the Executive Committee #
The Executive Committee, together with the President, shall outline the program and activities of the seminars of the Association and shall have control of the Association during its recesses.
Section 5.03 - Executive Committee Meetings #
The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year, once at or about the time of the annual seminar, and once midway between the annual seminars. The Executive Committee meetings held between the annual seminars may be held in the central part of the State, or at another location as directed by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Section 5.04 - Participation - Executive Committee Meetings #
- All members of the Association, who are in good standing, are entitled to the privilege of the floor during the deliberations of the Executive Committee.
- Only members of the Executive Committee or a designated spokesperson of committee may propose motions during the meetings of the Executive Committee. The motions made by the designated spokesperson of a committee shall be limited to the business of the committee.
- Only members of the Executive Committee may vote during an Executive Committee meeting.
- The Chairperson shall not have a vote in matters at issue unless the members of the Executive Committee are deadlocked in a tie vote. In such cases the Chairperson shall cast a vote in favor of the motion or abstain, allowing the motion fail due the lack of a majority vote.
Section 5.05 - Quorum - Executive Committee #
Nine elected officers of the Association shall constitute a quorum at a regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee.
Article VI - Committees #
Section 6.01 - Types #
There shall be two kinds of committees, standing and special, and when not otherwise provided, they shall be appointed by the President.
Section 6.02 - Standing Committees #
The President shall, after the closing of the Annual Seminar, unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution or Bylaws of this Association, appoint the following committees. Reference the Policy and Procedures for mandatory timeline.
Audit and Finance | Nominating |
Certification and Training | Press and Compliments |
Credentials | Resolutions |
Laws and Legislation | Scholarship and Grant |
Membership | Science and Practices |
Section 6.03 - Duties of the Standing Committees #
Each Standing Committee shall, in addition to the specific duties contained in sections of Article V of the Bylaws of this Association, perform all other tasks, which the committee may be directed to do by the President, the Executive Committee, or the members during the Business Meeting at the annual seminar.
Section 6.04 - Geographical Representation - Northern, Mid-State and Southern Areas #
When required by the Constitution or Bylaws of this Association that a standing or special committee has representation from the Northern, Mid-state, and Southern areas of California and Nevada, the members of those committees shall be appointed as follows:
The division of the Northern and Southern parts of California shall be the southern boundaries of Monterey, Kings, Tulare and Inyo Counties. The division of the Northern and Southern parts of Nevada will be the northern boundaries of Nye and Lincoln Counties and the northern and western boundaries of Mineral County.
Section 6.05 - Special Committees #
- The President may appoint any special or ad-hoc committee to perform an inquiry or task that may be deemed necessary by the President, the Executive Committee, the members during the Business Meeting at the annual seminar, or as may be required by the Constitution or Bylaws of this Association.
- The duties and responsibilities of any special or ad-hoc committee, other than a special committee whose duties and responsibilities are contained within the Constitution or Bylaws of this Association, shall be in writing.
- Any committee appointed at any time other than an Executive Committee meeting or the annual Business Meeting will be provided their written instructions by the President. A copy of these instructions will be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer and are to be retained as a business record of the Association.
- The duties and responsibilities of a special or ad-hoc committee which the President appoints at the direction of the Executive Committee or the members during an annual Business Meeting shall be included as part of the minutes of the meeting.
- This section does not apply to those committees appointed by the President, which are related to conducting the annual seminar.
Section - 6.06 - Disputes #
- The Executive Committee shall arbitrate disputes between the members and officers of the Association and between members and non-members when the interests and welfare of the Association are involved. Such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Article VI (Disputes) of the Bylaws of this Association.
- The decision of the Executive Committee may be appealed to the members at the next annual Business Meeting. A majority vote is required to over-rule the Executive Committee's decision.
Article VII - Emblem #
Section 7.01 - Use of the Emblem #
The emblem of this Association shall be used only on the official stationery and related materials printed or used at the direction of the Executive Committee and may also be used on the Professional business card of an Active, Associate, or Life Member.
Section 7.02 - Use by Specific Authorization #
Use of the emblem or facsimile thereof, in any other manner shall be prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Executive Committee.
Article VIII - Standards of Conduct #
Members shall conduct themselves in a manner, which creates and maintains respect for the California State Division, International Association for Identification and its membership. In all their activities, public or private, they should always be mindful of the high standards of conduct expected of them. It is to be realized that each individual case may vary, just as does the evidence with which the member is concerned. It is further realized that no set of guidelines or rules will precisely fit every occasion; however, the member will be guided by those practices and procedures which are generally recognized within their respective disciplines to be consistent with a high level of professional ethics.
Article IX - Investigations of Alleged Misconduct #
Ethics and Investigations Committee #
- There shall be an Ethics and Investigation Committee composed of the 1st Vice President who will serve as Chairperson, and at least three (3) other members who will be appointed by the President and who will represent the two geographical areas as defined by Article VI, Section 4 (Geographical Representation - North, and Southern Areas) of this Constitution. And when the President chooses a non-voting legal representative.
- The Committee shall be a Special Committee pursuant to Article VI, Section 6.05 (Special Committees) of this Constitution, and shall be appointed upon the submission of an allegation of misconduct.
- The purpose of the Committee will be to investigate, in accordance with Article VII (Investigations of Misconduct) of the Bylaws of this Association, allegations of misconduct of Members and present any evidence obtained to the Executive Committee.
Article X - Parliamentary Authority #
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association.
Article XI - Amending the Constitution #
Section 11.01 - Method of Amending #
This Constitution may be amended, altered or changed by a three-fifths majority of the members voting for the proposed amendment(s), in accordance Article IV (Voting) of the Bylaws of this Association, provided that the proposed amendments, alterations, or changes have been submitted and processed in accordance with Section 2, Article XI (Procedures for Amending) of this Constitution.
Section 11.02 - Procedure for Amending #
- Any member, in good standing, may submit a proposed amendment, alteration, or change to the Constitution, in writing, to the Parliamentarian.
- The Parliamentarian will review the proposal. The Parliamentarian may edit the proposal to make the format consistent with the Constitution.
- If the proposal is inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of this Association and/or Robert's Rules of Order; or the proposal requires amending of other Articles or Sections of the Constitution and Bylaws, the Parliamentarian may return the proposal to the submitting member with the recommended modifications for bringing the proposal into compliance or for making changes to the corresponding amendments that may be required.
- The Parliamentarian, at any Executive Committee meeting, shall give a report on all proposals to the Executive Committee, which may vote whether to recommend to the membership that the proposal be accepted or rejected.
- The Parliamentarian, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall present resolutions proposing amendments to this Constitution at the Midyear Executive Committee Meeting and/or the Annual Business Meeting. No other resolutions relating to amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws will be permitted to be introduced at the Annual Business Meeting without the express permission of the Executive Committee.
- A proposal will be moved into the business of the Association at the Annual Business Meeting and/or published in the digest when applicable. Once published to the membership, there will be a 30-business day draft for comment period, where any eligible voting member may make a comment to the Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian will give all comments to the Executive Committee members to address at their next Association meeting or communication (example: email, teleconference). The proposal(s), motion(s), member comments and any amendments to the motion(s) will be debated and the final version of the amendment to the Constitution approved as to FORM only. The proposed amendment will be sent out to the membership in accordance with Article IV (voting) of the Bylaws of this Association.
- If the amendment is adopted, it will be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Parent Body of the International Association for Identification, in accordance with Article III (Divisions), Section 1-B of the Bylaws of the Parent Body.
- Any amendment to the Constitution will become effective immediately upon final approval by the Parent Body, unless otherwise specified in the motion to approve and adopt the amendment. The Parliamentarian may edit the Constitution for the purpose of making it: (1) grammatically correct; (2) consistent in format, organization, and structure as to the arrangement of Articles, Sections, Subsections, etc.; (3) more readable; and (4) to correct typographical and other similar errors. Editing of the Constitution shall never alter the meaning or effect of the Constitution.
Section 11.03 - Editing of the Constitution #
The Parliamentarian may edit the Constitution for the purpose of making it: (1) grammatically correct; (2) consistent in format, organization, and structure as to the arrangement of Articles, Sections, subsections, etc.; (3) more readable; and, (4) to correct typographical and other similar errors. Editing of the Constitution shall never alter the meaning or effect of the Constitution.
Article XII - William A. Snare Scholarship Fund #
California State Division International Association for Identification
William A. Snare Scholarship Fund
(A Fund Functioning as an Endowment)
Section 12.01 Investment Guidelines #
Mission: To provide a stable and growing source of funding for the William A. Snare Scholarship Fund (Fund) to allow it to bestow annual scholarships and grants.
Section 12.02 Investment Committee #
The Investment Committee (Committee) will be composed of the Deans of this Association. The Chair will be elected by the Deans. Committee will report back to the Executive Committee and execute decisions of the Investment Committee in coordination with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association.
The Committee will meet two (2) times per year to review funds, investments, and to address the payout ratio.
Section 12.03 Allowable Investments #
Investments are limited to cash and other "cash like" instruments (e.g. Certificates of Deposit), U.S. Treasury securities, Stocks and Bonds or Mutual Funds registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
Section 12.04 Distribution Guidelines #
The Committee will recommend a distribution rate to the Executive Committee aimed at sustaining both providing for scholarship and grant funds as well as preserving the principal of the Fund. It is preferred that the funds are to be managed so as to maintain the principal of the fund and to distribute dividends to the recipients. In the event the average of the previous 12 quarters net interest proceeds is below $1,500.00 the Investment Committee may choose to recommend the distribution rate in an amount not to exceed (1.5%) of the average of the net asset value of the Fund over the previous twelve (12) quarters.
Section 12.05 Reporting #
The Committee will report to the Executive Committee at the Annual Executive Committee meeting, providing the state of the investments as well as a recommended distribution rate.