General Information #
The committee is comprised of the following:
- Oversight - Second Vice President (will rotate yearly)
- Chairperson - 3rd year member appointed by the President (will rotate yearly)
- 6 Members appointed to a 3 year term - Two representing each geographical area as devined in Article VI, Section 4 (Geographical Representation - Northern and Southern areas) of the Constitution of this Association
Committee Duties #
- Research and provide the Association with updates to the various Certification examinations offered through the Parent Body IAI.
- Provide statistics on California residents with regards to the examination process (# of CA Applicants, # of CA Applicants who tested & passed/failed, total # of CA residents certified for each individual discipline.
- Collect information on upcoming Forensic training opportunities (both in and out of state) to be submitted monthly to the Webmaster and Editor for publication.
- Provide assistance to anyone going through the process to become certified, from general qualifying questions to more specific test prep questions.
- Assist the Parent Body IAI with proctoring, questions, etc. when requested.