General Information #
The committee is comprised of the following:
- Oversight - Editor
- Chairperson - Appointed by President
- 3 or more members appointed by the President to a 1 year term
Committee Duties #
- Responsible for the publicity of the Annual Educational Seminar through the following suggested areas:
- CSDIAI social media platforms- Instagram and Facebook
- IAI, CSDIAI, SCAFO (Southern California Association for Fingerprint Officers), AAFS (American Academy of Forensic Sciences) Other IAI Divisions and Local College websites.
- Advertisement in the CSDIAI Digest; IAI’s Identification News and vendor websites.
- Prepare a press release for radio, television and newspapers in the vicinity of the seminar.
- Examples: Local Police Agency Public Information Officer and/or the Community Services Division, who will disseminate the information via their departmental Social Media Applications and The City website Events page.
- Press release should be disseminated a month prior to the seminar. The information should include, but not limited to, a headline with a short paragraph containing the purpose of the educational seminar; and shall contain the contact information of the CSDIAI President along with the web link to the CSDIAI website and Social Media Platforms.
- All information must be grammatically correct and proofread by more than two persons prior to submission to the President for review and/or media release.
- The President shall review any press release content prior to the dissemination of the information to the various media platforms.
- Coordinate and assist the President with any news media in attendance at the seminar.
- Prepare report for annual and midyear executive committee meetings.